It’s time to reconnect and regenerate.
“There’s a wild aliveness that flows through each of us and all of life.
Sometimes we just forget. Sometimes we disconnect. Movement, mindfulness and time in nature are a pathway back to the wild essence within.
Joy and belonging rest in the remembering.”
— Uschi -
Uschi’s massage treatments are a unique journey that embraces body and soul. Choose from Thai Yoga Massage, relaxation and KaHuna massage, or ZenThai Shiatsu.
Yoga & Movement.
You are energy in motion. Mindful movement is a pathway to reconnection, creativity and joy. Join Uschi for group and private sessions combining yoga, pilates, mindfulness and conscious dance.
Nature-based events combining movement & mindfulness. Massage and yoga workshops. Art, journalling and dance journeys. Women’s circles, rituals and retreats to mark moments and transitions in life.
Move. Connect. Create.
Hi there, I’m Uschi. I offer classes, massage, nature-based retreats and one-on-one sessions combining movement, mindfulness and creativity. I’m a creative soul at home in nature, and I love nothing more than supporting others to feel free and empowered in their bodies, in their lives and on this Earth.
You are creativity in motion. You are part of the fabric of our Earth and Universe. You belong here... If nothing else, all I desire is to re-awaken you to that one, simple truth.
— Uschi Steedman -